A good lawnmower is an investment in your garden.  Your lawn more than likely takes up a large area of your home, so looking after it properly is important and always worth the effort.  To care for it effectively you need a decent lawnmower
that is well maintained to deliver peak performance.

Make the right choice

At STIHL, we’re all about making you sure have the right tools for the job! When choosing your lawnmower, it’s no different. Make sure you match the machine to your outdoor space.  An obvious example is that an expansive garden could perhaps do with a ride-on mower, whilst small spaces could be easily maintained with a lightweight electric model.  Cordless mowers are also lightweight and well suited to gardens lacking a power source! Petrol mowers tend to suit larger gardens and are generally very robust; it’s advisable to choose one with self-propulsion to save you a bit of sweat! And for those who love a beautiful lawn, but can’t bear the job, a robotic mower like our iMOW® is ideal.
